Unpack Android OTA

December 17, 2023

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Short answer: use https://github.com/AndroidDumps/dumpyara , which will dump almost everything of interest.

To unpack individual images: use payload-dumper-go, which is available in ArchLinuxCN repo.

If you REALLY want to do it by hand, here is the way to extract individual images from super.img:

If super.img is a sparse image, then we need to unsparse it first.

$ file imgs/CN/super.img
imgs/CN/super.img: Android sparse image, version: 1.0, Total of 2228224 4096-byte output blocks in 141 input chunk

Use simg2img from Arch Linux extra/android-tools package to unsparse it.

simg2img super.img super.img.unsparsed

Then we can unpack it using lpunpack from Arch Linux extra/android-tools package.

mkdir dump
lpunpack super.img.unsparsed dump